Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Blue False Indigo - Baptisia australis

后院东侧种了4颗Blue False Indigo - Baptisia australis 是去年淘下来的。

Dainty blue flowers and the bushy, shrub-like foliage make this plant excellent for naturalizing or to be used in the woodland garden.  Baptisia  does not like to be transplanted because of it's long tap root. Serves as a host for butterfly larvae.

36-48 in. (90-120 cm)

24-36 in. (60-90 cm)
Common Name:Blue False Indigo, Blue Wild Indigo
Botanical Name:Baptisia australis
Soil Preference:Tolerates drought and will grow in dry to moist soils but prefers well-drained, loamy or sandy soils with a pH of acidic to slightly alkaline (less than 6.8 - 7.0)
Light Requirements:Full sun, partial sun, partial shade
Attributes:Attracts birds and butterflies and is suitable for cut and dried flowers.   Good for naturalizing or in the border.
Pests:Rabbits may chew on foliage
Diseases:Leaf spot, powdery mildew, rust
Good Companion Plants:FoxgloveHardy GeraniumLady's Mantle, Lupines, Peony, Perennial Salvia, Sundrop, HibiscusMiscanthus, Helianthus,Pennisetum and Rudbeckia
Care:Cut back to 6 inches in the fall and remove the dead foliage in spring.  May need staking to maintain it's form. Deadhead after blooming.   Does not like to be transplanted.  Fertilize with Plant-tone or a water-soluble fertilizer.

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